South Africa Elections 8 May 2019
Testimony of “David Warrior” Adrian Phillip Herrewyn
(2) (13/02/2008 – 18/07/2010)
"And I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was over his head, his face was like the sun ans his feet like pillars of fire, and he had a little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land... " Rev 10.
Extracts from the not yet published book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone" Copyright ã 2011 by
Martin Phillip Erasmus. All rights reserved.
Copyright ã All
photographs taken and published by Martin Erasmus
“IT IS TIME!” For the Revival of the Bible Based Church of Jesus Christ in Africa, starting with the coming elections on 8 May 2019 in South Africa, the birth of a New Nation in Christ our Lord.
many signs and calls thru the It's Time and other events, for Christians to unite in the Great Awakening in Africa -
Isaiah 59:14-20. The latest call, widely supported by fellow Christians, is that
“It is Time” to put our Faith into
action for the coming South African election - calls from Dr Arno Van Niekerk, Dr Pearl Kupe and Dr Arthur Frost and various other Faith leaders – www.greatawakeningsa.co.za
support this call for Christians to unite into action and hereby testify that
for more than a decade our Heavenly Father has used me and my grandson, our
“David Warrior” Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2), in mission work among hurting and
needy Kalahari San and other African communities (‘Reach Out Africa Mission’ – www.roamafrica.blogspot.com) and through my God given talent of
ART – ‘ME HeART’ (www.MartinErasmusART.blogspot.com), through many
dreams, visions, signs in nature (rainbows and clouds) I confirm that all the
signs, visions and dreams shown to me over the past decade 2010 to 2019, described as the seeing decade, confirms that indeed with the 2019 South African election “IT IS TIME!”, the time is ripe for the birth of a New
Nation in Christ and the Revival of the true Bible Based Church of Christ in
The Current Decade 2010 to 2019
the Jewish calendar the current decade 2010
(Jewish year 5770) to 2019 (Jewish year 5779) is called the Ayin
decade (Hebrew for eye/sight/see), which means the seeing decade. Now in 2019, we are in the final stretch of the
decade of sight/seeing – seeing is believing! In this decade, 2010/5770 to 2019/5779, there has been a remarkable rise in the seer/prophet
anointing through, many prophecies, dreams and visions – (see 1 Samuel 9:9).
it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out My
Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young
men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams……” Acts 2:17-21
the beginning of this decade is described as; the year of the eye, to see,
grace, divine favour, end of age, new
beginning (pregnant/womb)…
The year 2019/5779 the end of our current decade is described as; finality, fruit of the spirit, fruitfulness (womb/birth), divine order, judgement, truth revealed or concealed…
A woman is pregnant for nine months 2010/5770 to 2019/5779 (9 years) - this ninth year 2019/5779 signals the fruit of the womb. In the spiritual realm this year 2019 can relate to:
Salvation (Praise God). Born again, Yes It’s Birth!
Rebirth and commitment of many who walked away from the Bible Based Church.
Birth of a new Nation in Christ – Revival of the true Bible Based Church in
The next decade, 2020/5780 to 2029/5789, is described as the decade of the mouth – the spoken word.
The source and description of the Jewish
calendar and meanings above can be found on www.missionariesofprayer.org
“ME HeART” and “David Warrior” Adrian’s Testimony
“ROAM AFRICA” – “Reach Out Africa Mission” - Decade
2010/5770 to 2019/5779
“ME HeART” (Martin Erasmus ART) testimony started in the Western Cape, when I lost everything, business, home, family, without work or finances, utterly down and out, the Lord started speaking to me through nature and revealed to me my talent for ART. My mission calling of sight/to see started at the tender age of 40 (1996) in Cape Town when hiking on various hiking trials, along the sea-shore or on Table Mountain, discovering, experiencing and seeing the wonders of God’s amazing creation. I did my first drawings and paintings of Table Mountain and the sea with a children’s CNA paint by numbers water colour set – that was all I could afford. Once I discovered the hidden talent I made many drawings and paintings and I was fascinated with the San (Bushmen) rock art paintings, I hiked to many rock art paintings in Africa. It was here that I started studding the history, heritage and culture of the First Peoples of Africa – the San, also known as Bushman. It took many years to start a new life but eventually I could once again be the owner of my own letting agency business, practising Art on the side.
2006 I started training San students in art at !Khwattu The San Cultural
Training Centre on the South African West Coast. While giving art lessons to
the Kalahari San I heard stories of years of oppression and learned that over
100 000 hurting and needy Kalahari San still lived in utmost poverty in
isolated villages in the Kalahari Dessert of SA, Namibia and Botswana. The
Bushmen invited me to visit them and I began making plans to investigate the
possibilities to assist these forgotten communities. At that stage I was
already introducing Jesus to the San and other African communities through the
Jesus Film – I started to hear a persistent voice to ”Follow Me”.
a period of two years (2009 to 2010)
things changed dramatically in our family’s life when our family suffered the
loss of six family members within a very short space in time. During this time
I continued to hear the words “Follow
Me” My Father (76) passed away suddenly of a heart attack and a year later
Dad’s elder brother (84) passed away in his sleep. One day later my grandson Adrian (2) choked on an
apple, he stopped breathing and his heart stopped, he was rushed to hospital
and lay in ICU on life support machines for 14 days. Doctor’s and Specialists
were fighting for his life and prayers for Adrian’s recovery went worldwide
through social media. On my daughter’s birthday, Adrian’s mother, the family
had to make the very difficult decision to switch of all life support systems
as Adrian was considered to be brain dead. Our “David Warrior” Adrian
Phillip Herrewyn passed away on 18 July 2010 (late Nelson Mandela’s birthday).
One week after Adrian’s passing we get the very sad news that another family member in Ireland, Owen McManus Jnr (23) tragically passed away after a motorcycle accident. Family in SA and Ireland were devastated, during this sad time we had much prayer, soul searching, hurt, anger, frustration, disbelieve and many, many uncontrolled emotions. Moving forward to 2012, I am already on mission among the Kalahari San, I get the sad shocking news that Leoni (22), Owen jnr’s fiancé hanged herself in Ireland. Throughout all of these tragedies I continue to here “Follow Me”.
David Warrior - Adrian’s “David Stone”
Grandson Adrian (2) loved the story of David and Goliath
and while he lay in ICU visiting family would continue to read to him from his
many David and Goliath Bible story books. At his memorial they had large
posters and pictures of David with his slingshot placed around the tiny coffin.
Very clear confirmation that I must “Follow Jesus” happened on the beach
on 18 July 2010, the sad day that Adrian, our “David Warrior”, passed
sad Sunday afternoon we all walked on the beach to have some ice
cream and enjoy the sun, we were all still in shock with Adrian’s passing.
It was a beautiful day; families and children were laughing and playing on the
beach. Adrian’s elder brother Ivan (4) picked up a piece of rope and attached
to it was half a brick, he dragged it along as we walked and as he swung it, in
passing I thought of David’s slingshot. I told Ivan to be careful and
not to knock himself against the head. Daughter Yolande was walking ahead of us
and when she turned around and saw the half a brick attached to a rope she called
to me pointing at Ivan, indicating slingshot, she was thinking the same
thing. The family bought ice cream and all sat on the beach eating close to
the water’s edge. I was standing barefoot in the shallow pool with Adrian’s
elder brother Ivan and sister Zanel who were splashing and playing in the water,
when the family called to us. As I looked up there was this little boy, the
spitting image of Adrian, same age, same height, same golden hair... playing in
front of everyone. All of us were crying, some walked away, while this little
boy happily played in front of us. God was showing us that Adrian was
fine. As I looked down at the shallow pool, trying to hide the tears, between
my feet I saw a small round solitary object moving in the shallow water;
bending down I was thinking, was it a stone/sinker/marble and picked it up. Was
it a stone? It was perfectly round, I scratched it, washed it, rubbed
it, bite it; it was a stone all right, with tiny red spots. Then it hit me
– sling shot – ”David’s Stone”, the stone that killed Goliath. I
started looking around for similar or any other stones, there were none? Just
water and sea sand. I did not know why at the time, but holding and
feeling the texture of the stone instinctively made everything become real and
alive in a strange way. I felt that I suddenly became part of an amazing and
exciting life drama, the story of David, and that all will be well, Adrian’s
“David Stone” made me feel safe and at peace. I made a covenant with God that
in memory of my beloved grandson I will always carry this stone close to my
heart, someday to find out the meaning and purpose of Adrian’s “David Stone”
given to me on this sad day. Indeed God was telling us and showing us that our
Mighty David Warrior was fine and continuing with his discipleship. I continue
to carry this stone around my neck close to my heart in a leather pouch. I
found this amazing verse in Proverbs 3:3-6
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind
them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then
you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the
Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding; In all your
ways submit to him, And he will make your paths straight.” - Proverbs 3:3-6
My son Riaan and His fiancé Audrey, flew
in from Ireland and families and friends from afar arrived for Adrian’s
memorial service. Early in the morning, close family and Pastors had a private
and intimate service at a Wine Estate, on the slopes of the Stellenbosch
Mountain, very close to God. At that stage I was carrying Adrian’s “David Stone” in my pocket wherever I went. I showed the
family “David’s Stone” they passed it around while I told them how I got the
stone and how I believed that it was a gift from God, it had a special meaning
and purpose. All passed on the stone and did not say much, it was nice, good
memory etc. In this intense moment of heart sore and loss, understandably all
of us did not appreciate the real meaning of this tiny round stone. The
following week I had a leather pouch made to hang “David’s Stone” around my neck.
“A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that have it;
whithersoever it turneth, it prosperous.”
Proverbs 17:8
During Adrian’s time in hospital and the
weeks following his passing, we continued to receive dreams, visions and signs
that Adrian is fine. Adrian’s Father Louis dreamt that Adrian was walking on a
beautiful beach next to and then proudly riding on a huge Lion, The Lion of
Judah; and on another occasion Louis had a dream that Adrian was releasing a
tiny sailboat in a mountain stream and at the bottom Jesus caught the boat. Adrian’s
Mom Yolande sees Adrian sitting on Jesus lap and dancing on the clouds and
sliding on the rainbows. One week after Adrian’s passing I was awoken between
2am and 3am in the morning and started writing our experiences, this book and
made a sketch called “Painting Angels”.
A month after Adrian’s passing on the
long weekend, I decided to retreat to Grotto Bay on the Cape West Coast, to the
family holiday home, to do the oil painting “Painting Angels” and for the first
time Louis, Yolande, Zanel and Ivan took a break alone at Langebaan, 80
kilometres from Grotto Bay. The few days I spent on the “Painting Angel’s”
painting were very emotional and on the Monday morning the 9th
August, a public holiday “National Woman’s Day”, I was finishing off the
painting. I looked up over the sea and saw the end of a beautiful rainbow,
right in front of the house in Grotto Bay. Immediately I text Louis and
Yolande, telling them that Adrian was visiting me. I receive a text message and
photo back, that he was visiting them as well. In front of their house in
Langebaan, was the same rainbow; the two ends of the rainbow were linking us,
even though Grotto Bay and Langebaan are 80 kilometres apart. Adrian was indeed
having fun.
![]() |
Grotto bay |
the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting
covenant between God and all living creatures…” (Genesis 9:16)
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
By chance I found the meaning of my
father’s second name (Pillippus), as well as, Adrian’s and my second
name, Phillip is described as LOVER of HORSES. In reading and
studying the Bible I found so many passages mentioning horses, specifically the
book of Revelations. While in Cape Town I had the privilege to spend some time
among Wild Horses close to Hermanus. I since made various sketches and paintings of horses. I also found that particularly in the book of
Revelations horses play a very big part in the end time prophecy. I have started composing a sketch for a painting
about Revelations 19 “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”.
I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse……” Rev. 19: 11-16
Early in 2011, I decide to listen to the
persistent words “Follow Me” and
decide to introduce Jesus through the Jesus Film to the Kalahari San and other
African communities in Southern Africa and at the same time determine if we can
assist with humanitarian and empowerment aid. After travelling from Cape Town
to Namibia, Botswana, Angola and Zambia in a Toyota Tazz called Blessing,
visiting various San villages, mission stations and Churches, on this initial 4
months trip, I was invited to live in one of the San villages in Botswana to
assist the community and the missionary church. After returning to Cape Town I
finalized selling my business, gave up my home and sold or donated most of my
belongings and in August 2011 I again left Cape Town for Botswana with camping
equipment in a fully loaded “Blessing”.
Working and living among the San on and off for periods of four to six months at a time, for seven years, was very difficult and I had no option but to completely rely and trust in the Lord to provide for all my needs. I lived in an isolated San village in the Kalahari Desert among the San, in a tent or makeshift/unfinished mud hut/cement block home with a constant struggle to survive with a shortage of water, unhealthy food supply, hunger and limited financial resources. Throughout these years the Lord continued to encourage support and empower me not to give up and I held on to Adrian’s “David Stone” throughout. Many a time when the will to carry on was gone, I continued to receive support and prayers from prayer partners, many, many dreams and visions. When it really mattered, most of the encouragement and my support came from “David Warrior” Adrian. All will be mentioned when the final book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone” is published.
For the purposes of this testimony and the coming 2019 SA elections I will only mention the important dreams and visions received from our “David Warrior” Adrian, relating to the prophesy and vision of “IT IS TIME!” For the Revival of the Bible Based Church of Jesus Christ in Africa, with the coming elections on 8 May 2019 in South Africa, the birth of a New Nation in Christ our Lord.
In the Kalahari San village every year on the 18 July (Mandela day) in memory of Grandson Adrian we organize a “Jesus day” where we take donated food and/or clothing for the children, the old, orphans and ill within the community. In 2014 during one of the most difficult and persecuted times on my mission among the Kalahari San, we have exposed corruption and greed within the community and some of the leaders of the Church. I have had enough, I miss Adrian and my Dad, my family, I am very tired, drained, disappointed and I am seriously thinking of giving up on the ministry. Despite the negatives we continue to ask for prayers and support for a “Jesus day” and amazingly we receive enough funds, food and some clothing to assist many within the community.
I am in constant prayer mode, read the
Bible a lot and have inspirational books and materials that keep me focused on
the Lord. I am reading the book “Run
with the Horses” by Eugene H. Peterson (Author of the Message Bible). The
book is about the life of Jeremiah and the many challenges he faced, and a key
verse that has so much relevance on my current situation.
you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you
compete with horses?” Jeremiah 12:5
One of my prayer warriors sends an inspiring email testimony, a vision while she was praying, a clear message from Adrian our “David Warrior” that I must not give up, I must continue to run this race.
“It was about 20h00 – in the spirit I
was standing on a track with lots of athletes running. The spectators on the
pavilion were shouting and cheering on their favorite runners (you were among
the runners). As I looked in the direction of the pavilion, I saw someone so
significant with his golden hair and his red jacket on – Adrian. With a voice that rose above the others, I heard him “Run Oupa Run!” (run grandad)
Martin don’t ever give up, press forward to become more and more like Jesus to receive the prize of your high calling. Adrian was clapping his hands and waving at you, so proud of his Oupa (Grandpa). It was so beautiful I am still crying.”
As always this message came at the right time. I thank and praise the Lord, for this amazing and inspiring support from Adrian, how can I even think of giving up? I leave all in the hands of the Lord, He will fight the battles for me. As time goes by, the church leaders and members of local government continue with illegal practices and corruption and together with the Chief of the village we report this to authorities. Nothing happens and we are told to keep quiet and we must stop to cause unnecessary problems. Again the negative stresses and pressure of the corruption and evil within the community takes hold. I struggle to decide what to do, and thoughts of giving up on the ministry once again appear. I know that an intense spiritual battle is taking place all around us. In Bible study and quite time I find the passage in Zechariah 5:1-4
I turned and raised my eyes, and saw there a flying scroll. And he said to me,
“What do you see? So I answered, “I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty
cubits and its width ten cubits.” Then he said to me, This is the curse that
goes out over the face of the whole earth; Every thief shall be expelled,
according to what is on this side of the scroll; and, Every perjurer shall be
expelled, according to what is on the side of it.”
On the evening of the 12 November 2014 (5 years since my Dad’s passing) I dream we are at war and the enemy is looking for me, to stop my ministry calling. I have to reach a certain destination with a list of names on a scroll, a list of false profits. I have been running for days now, through thick forests, deep valleys and over snow covered mountains, hiding when I hear fighting men on horses all around me. (Horseman with swords on black horses are dressed in dark cloaks and the scenes are like those found in the movie “Lord of the Rings” - Tolkien). I run down a misty tree lined forest pathway, daylight visible at the end of the forest, the scroll in my hand. I am so tired, here a fast galloping horse behind me, I try running faster, so tired, everything is in slow motion, except the fast approaching galloping horse, I slow down thinking “this is it, I cannot outrun a horse, and if they want to kill me it must be quick”. The galloping horse is on top of me and the next moment someone grabs me from behind, halls me onto the horse behind the rider yelling “Kom Oupa!” (Come Grandad!). I wake up and realize it is Adrian on the horse. Our “David Warrior” continues to show me that I must persevere, the battle is not lost. In the morning the first Gospel song I here is “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine…this is my story, this my song…” The song that Mom and Dad always sang together in Church when I was a child.
As in the San village and in most countries all over
the world, South Africa is in turmoil with
false prophets, corruption and general chaos in all of the world governments. A
call comes through from Evangelist Angus
Buchan, “It is Time” for one million SA to come together in Bloemfontein to
pray for our country, Africa and the world. I send newsletters to all
prayer partners to join us in Bloemfontein for the mass prayer for Revival of
the Church in SA and Africa. Various prophecies are made of a Revival of the
Church in Africa, starting in Cape Town, South Africa.
Prophecy from Pastor Jonathan David, founder and Pastor of All Nations Church. “South Africa get ready for what is about to happen in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The power of the Holy Spirit will break the corruption, says the Lord. The Cape of Good Hope will restore hope for the people.”
24 March I receive another prophecy God’s
Army of horses and Riders. Michelle King sends a voice message on WhatsApp.
“I drive to Middelburg this morning (27 March 2017) and I hear a roaring sound, looking through the windscreen I see thousands of horses, various colors, white, black, brown with riders. I ask the Lord what is it that I see? The Lord answers that this is His Army of Angels ready to fight for South Africa….. I ask the Lord “why our land?” and “why not another country?” I know we are in trouble, but why help South Africa? The answer is awesome! God said that He wants to make an example of SA, every nationality and language together will live in and observe this miracle…SA has suffered long enough…”Father that’s good, but again, why SA?” The Lord said look at a world map, Africa is in the form of a horse! The Bible refers to countless horses. It is awesome to look at the Africa map SA is situated at the mouth of the horse, the Cape of Good Hope! SA will be God’s mouthpiece/trumpet/shofar horn (horn of Africa) for the world. I want to encourage everyone South Africa is on the brink of receiving a great miracle. Zechariah 3:2 speaks of the burning coal that will be plucked out of the fire. God is telling us that He will pluck SA out of the fire! Today! Choose to be in God’s Army and seriously pray for SA. All honor to our heavenly Father!”
Praise the Lord! The “Reach Out Africa Mission” started in Cape Town the“ in 2010 in memory of Adrian, our David Warrior and my testimony the book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone” is all about our visions and dreams of horses and chariots and the Lords Army. I praise and thank the Lord for revealing His plans of Revival of His Church in Africa. South Africa get ready “It is Time” have now started working on sketches and paintings for my testimony/book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone” and “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” – Revelations 19:11
22 April 2017 – “It’s Time”, Bloemfontein.
the midst of a political environment of corruption, absence of leadership and a
country afflicted by violence, crime and racial hatred, sounds the urgent call
to the nation to unite in prayer. Seven weeks later, under the leadership of
evangelist Angus Buchan South Africa makes history when more than a million
South Africans across physical, racial-, social and church borders gather
outside Bloemfontein for an event of which the impact will echo into eternity, It’s Time.
am blessed in receiving a return bus ticket Amanzimtoti to Bloemfontein for the” It’s Time” mass prayer in
Bloemfontein. We travel through the night and arrive in Bloem early on a cold
misty morning. Many busses, cars and people have already arrived. We find a
spot close to the stage. It is quite cold and I look for signs of clouds, rain
or wind. A week before I watched a video of Uncle Angus leading a prayer
meeting in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles, when the Holy Spirit in
the form of a mighty wind ripped the stage apart and people were worshipping,
crying and shouting to the Lord in wonder. We climb to the top of a hill close
by and then experience, see and realise the magnitude of this event. People are
praying all over and the presence of the Lord is already present. The sun soon
burns the misty haze away and it is now very hot. Closer to Uncle Angus’s time
we feel a cool breeze, our Father is sending us some relief from the hot sun. I
continue to look for clouds, tell-tail signs of a storm, a mighty wind. The sky
is blue. They announce an hour’s delay to allow people who are still arriving
to take their places. The praise and worship team on stage play “I’m no longer a child to fear, I am a child of God..” and Uncle
Angus emotionally sings with us pointing to the masses “Bless the Lord O my
soul… 10 000 reasons for my heart to sing..” Uncle Angus tells all that this
is not a sermon or a Church service but a prayer meeting, he will teach us to
earnestly pray as one Nation. We pray for healing…AMEN! AMEN! Amen! Amen!..... When one million people shout AMEN! it takes 4 seconds delay before
we here the last AMEN echo over the
land! We pray for SA…AMEN!!! Pray
for forgiveness.. AMEN!!! Pray for
healing..AMEN! AMEN! Amen! Amen!.......
I am looking to the sky, for the wind, at times the comforting cool breeze is quite strong, but no storm in sight. One million plus people kneel and collectively repent and ask for forgiveness. I am so humbled I cannot speak, I can only weep. Suddenly the breeze on stage gets stronger. Uncle Angus tells us about the Holy Spirit wind at the Feast of Tabernacles. “Come Holy Spirit we are here.” We hear people at the back shouting, Angus is pointing “Come Lord Jesus” all are standing looking towards the shouting. We see balloons high up in the air. A misty cloudy wind sweeps over the crowd on a pathway to the stage, ripping umbrellas out of people’s hands up into the sky, hats fly into the air. People are worshipping, shouting, crying… the wind shakes the stage… Uncle Angus is crying as we watch the balloons disappear high in the sky. Angus does not want to go home. More than a million spirit filled and tired disciples reluctantly eventually return home.
has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to
give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion
travailed, she gave birth to her children. Shall I bring to the time of birth,
and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. Shall I who cause delivery shut up the
womb? Says your God. Rejoice with Jerusalem,…..” - Isaiah 66:8-10
November 2017 – A Mothers Testimony – Adrian leaves a message in his Mom’s Bible.
is very difficult losing a loved one, especially a child, the pain never leaves
you. Through this loss and pain we have to continue to be a witness through
faith, a witness that we are only visitors on earth, awaiting the glorious
moment to return to our eternal home and our loved ones. Mom Yolande shares
this message from “David Warrior” Adrian
with us. Most times Adrian was with Mom Yolande when she spent time with the
Lord in prayer or reading her Bible. In November 2017 Yolande shared Adrian’s
scribbles in her Bible. With a pencil he
clearly marked two specific passages in Yolande’s Bible. These passages
helps with the pain, gives us peace and some clarity of the bigger picture.
Adrian’s purpose, his premature passing becomes clearer and understandable, he
is a “David Warrior”, fighting a
spiritual warfare and his passing is a witness to all that life does not end in
physical death, it is only but the beginning of an exciting glorious eternal
Message one;
faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the
‘worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are
seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:1-3
Message two;
behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with Me, to give to every one
according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,
the First and the Last.” Revelations 22:12-13
2018/5778 – The Doorway of light from heaven and year of new beginnings.
South African politics in turmoil with state capture, people are in panic mode. Calls for more “It’s Time” prayers. One is planned for Mitchels Plain in Cape Town.
‘ROAM AFRICA” mission is keeping me
busy and I am attempting to complete writing my book/testimony “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with
David Stone” busy with painting many saints on horses in the clouds in the
painting “King of Kings and Lord of
Lords” Revelations 19:14 “And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine
linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.” I am also
excited and planning to visit family in Ireland and UK in April 2018.
Adrian’s clouds of witnesses – Hebrews 12:1
we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let
us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run
with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the
author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him
endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of
the throne of God.”
The 13th February 2018 is Adrian’s 10th birthday. I receive a WhattsApp with 7 photos of amazing and extra ordinary cloud formations over the sea in Grotto Bay. Adrian’s ashes/remains were buried at the family holiday home in Grotto Bay. Since starting the “Reach Out Africa Mission” and as a result of me receiving messages and visions through nature/clouds/rainbows/art I examine all the photos of the clouds. In the first picture I observe a dark spot and when enlarging it I see a figure with a slingshot – similar to the figure I have painted in “Facing Giants with David’s Stone” I am stunned as I examine the other photos, finding an Angel, a person blowing a trumpet/shofar, a baby wrapped in a blanket, a pair of hands etc. These amazing cloud formations are another clear and direct message and witness from Adrian. God is using Adrian, warning us, giving us opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to testify and witness. I start with sketches of the clouds to later compose some paintings.
24 March 2018 Evangelist Angus Buchan has had another mass “It’s Time” prayer gathering in Mitchels
Plain. Broadcast on TV we witness more miracles as they pray for a drought stricken
Cape, and it starts raining. Monday morning I get the urge to read revelations
and connect it with the “It’s time”
prayer gatherings. I read revelations 10 and again I examine Adrian’s Clouds of
Witness over Grotto Bay.
Then I see the Angel with the scroll standing over Africa with one foot in the sea and the other foot on Cape Point. Immediately I remember all the prophecies of horses, the revival of the Church of Jesus Christ in Africa, in the horse’s mouth, the shape of Africa is a horse’s head, with the mouth situated in the Cape of Good Hope. The Angel is standing with one foot on Africa, Cape of Good Hope, is the mouth of the Horse. I start making the first drawings and sketches of Africa and the Angel and the scroll, David and the slingshot and the trumpet and shofar.
I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud.
And a rainbow was over his head, his face was like the sun and his feet like
pillars of fire, and he had a little book open in his hand. And he set his
right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land…..” Revelations 10
The Lord has impressed upon me, as a matter of urgency and with the coming SA election, I have to share “David Warrior” Adrian and ME HeART testimony” Revival Africa” – “Revelations 10” with all.
2019/5779 – Fruit of the Spirit, Fruitfulness
of 2019 I receive more prophecies regarding the elections and the WhatsApp call
from Dr Arno van Niekerk:
“The great Awakening in SA!
“The great Awakening in SA!
fellow South Africans, on 9 May 2019 we could wake up to a Righteous Government
taking Office, the day after the Elections. We are all concerned about our
country. But then, we are also hopeful that a divine intervention will take
truth is God wants to use you and me to bring true change. He wants us to be
instruments of His divine intervention. For context see Isaiah 59:14-20.
my meetings with political leaders I can tell you SA is ready for change. These
leaders are listening to the voice of God’s people expressed by the Christian
Consensus and they are responding with commitments. The good news on all fronts
is that A Great Awakening of God’s people is taking place in South Africa.
Finally the sleeping giant is waking up!
for the Christian Consensus are now almost a million people standing up for
righteousness! Christians are the majority. South Africa’s future is in your
Lord has prepared us for a time such as this thru the IT’S TIME and other
events. Now we’re putting our faith into action! My beloved brothers and
sisters, the moment has come to rise up and make our voice, our vote and our
actions count!
need to change the whole atmosphere in the nation with an awareness of God’s
presence, destiny and purposes so that drastic change come on and after 8 May.
We need a strategy ….Here it is:
going to storm the Elections to usher in a righteous government. After that, we
take hands to make South Africa a righteous nation.
How? See website www.greatawakeningsa.co.za
Now let’s declare together: “Open your gates, South Africa, for the King of Glory is coming in. Who is this King of Glory? It is the Lord strong and mighty in battle! It is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ! AMEN!”
receiving the above call from The Great awakening I realise the importance of
my testimony just before the SA elections, the birth of a new nation in Christ.
The relevance is so evident regarding all the prophecies, the Jewish
description and meaning of the decade 2010/5770 to 2019/5779 of our election
have started more sketches and drawings of Adrian’s clouds over Grotto Bay and
will then compose a series of paintings, where after the intension is to
complete our testimony, the book “Painting
Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone”.
the Lord! I repeat the prophecy as mentioned in the beginning of this
testimony. In the Jewish calendar the current decade 2010 (Jewish year 5770)
to 2019 (Jewish year 5779) is called the Ayin decade (Hebrew for eye/sight/see),
which means the seeing decade. Now
in 2019, we are in the final stretch of the decade of sight/seeing – seeing is
A woman is pregnant for nine months 2010/5770 to 2019/5779 (9 years) - this ninth year 2019/5779 signals the fruit of the womb. In the spiritual realm this year 2019 can relate to:
1. Salvation (Praise God) Born again, Yes It’s Birth!
Rebirth and commitment of many who walked away from the Bible Based Church.
Birth of a new Nation in Christ – Revival of the true Bible Based Church in