Wednesday, June 2, 2021

"REVIVAL" Seeing is Believing!



 “And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.” Revelations 21:1


This is not only my testimony, it is a collective testimony of various Prophets, Evangelists and Brothers and Sisters in Christ; a testimony to glorify our Lord and Saviour; to proclaim the Revival of the true Church and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations. It is a call to humanity to the reality of the establishment of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done. All glory be to God!   

Throughout  the “Roam Africa” (Reach Out Africa Mission) calling and my testimony I have used my God given  gifts and talents of praise and worship (Guitar) and my Art (Living Word Art) as much as possible and through visions, dreams, nature (clouds and rainbows) and as the Holy Spirit guides me. As we all know we are involved in a constant “Spiritual Warfare” and the closer we walk with the Lord, your accuser the devil will launch relentless attacks against you to challenge your faith.  When you enter into a life of obedience and dependence on Christ with a determination never to go back, every alarm in hell is set off. Why? Because you have become a threat to the kingdom of darkness, this is when our faith becomes Satan’s prime target.

Before I committed myself to give my all to Jesus, my old reckless lifestyle and past sins, promiscuous lifestyle, pornography, smoking, drinking and no time for my Heavenly Father and in the 70's and 80's during compulsory military service and working in Townships during the Soweto uprising, I witnessed many horrible and tragic events leading to PTSD. This caused many challenges to my health, mentally and physically. Permanent damage to my body, in particular, my lungs has now manifested. When I was younger and still smoking I had a business doing spray painting and the toxic fumes from the paint, on top of the smoking caused more damage to my lungs. Later I also became a full time Artist and earned a living with oil paintings (turpentine) of which also did not help the lungs, resulting in ongoing asthma and eventually COPD (Chronic Obstructive Palmyra Disease) flare up’s. Eventually when I stopped smoking, heavy drinking and painting with oils it was too late, the damage was done. On top of this, during my mission calling living and working among the Kalahari San (Bushmen) (2011 to 2017) in very harsh conditions, I got TB which caused more damage to the lungs and my health in general. Through faith I continue to believe in complete healing.

During my seven year mission calling among the Kalahari San I did have my guitar and we continued with praise and worship as much as possible, I did not paint at all, but when the San mission ended in 2017, despite the lung challenges, I once again started painting in oils. Part of my testimony is the “Bible Revival” campaign and painting from the Bible “Living Word Art”. I painted “Facing Giants with David’s Stone”, “King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Revelations 19” and “Revival Africa – Revelations 10”.  In 2020 with ongoing health problems, in and out of hospital, I was diagnosed and treated with severe TB infection and together with the Asthma and COPD, once again Dr’s advised that I stop painting with oil paints. Because of the weakened lungs I am also very high risk in not surviving if I should get the Corona virus. While in hospital tests also revealed that I had severe gallbladder problems and I was scheduled to have my gallbladder removed. At the same time a Thyroid Cyst was discovered. Since the onset of COPD and TB I found it difficult to sing, shortness of breath and sore throat. On top of all of the ongoing health challenges and treatments the Devil further took advantage of my weakness and while heavily drugged under medication in hospital accusing voices, violent dreams of my past sins were constantly thrown at me. I prayed, cried, repented and sang my way through every attack. Despite all the relentless satanic attacks, in faith I continue to believe that “By His Stripes I am Healed!” and I will continue to praise Jesus Christ my Lord and saviour through my testimony.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to death.” Revelations 12:11

Thank you to all my family, friends and prayer partner for your continued support, encouragement and prayers and thank you to all the brothers and sisters in Christ for sharing your testimonies, prophecies, visions, dreams,  photos of clouds and art with me. In particular thank you to Uncle Angus Buchan who continues to inspire me with daily Thoughts for the day and messages of encouragement to stand in faith during an intense spiritual battle. Every message of encouragement from Uncle Angus is sent far and wide through WhatsApp groups all over the world, even to the Kalahari San, with plenty of heart felt thank you\s of “I needed todays message”. 

Thank you to the management and staff of the retirement centre that I live in, for your continued service and support for all of the hurting and needy residents. In very, very difficult times over the past two years the management and staff, continues to provide excellent service and care to all. Thank you for providing me with an area at the Care centre quart yard where I can do my “Living Word Art”. A heart felt thank you to my dear friend and mission partner Ronnie Odendaal and his wife who have endured, supported, assisted and stood with me through very difficult times.     

Please read my ongoing testimony “Revival Africa” - “Revival Train/Chariot of Fire below and read the testimony of David Warrior Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2) (13/02/2008 – 18/07/2010) “Revival Africa” “Seeing is Believing” on www.martinerasmusart.blogspot,com 


Ongoing Testimony: “Revival Africa”- “Seeing is Believing”

2017/5777 The year of the Kingdom

As in most African countries and in many countries all over the world, South Africa is in turmoil with false prophets, corruption and general chaos in all of the world governments.

Prophecy from Pastor Jonathan David, founder and Pastor of All Nations Church. “South Africa, get ready for what is about to happen in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The power of the Holy Spirit will break the corruption, says the Lord. The Cape of Good Hope will restore hope for the people.”

A call comes through from Evangelist Angus Buchan, “It is Time” for one million SA to come together in Bloemfontein to pray for our country, Africa and the world. I send newsletters to all prayer partners to join all in Bloemfontein for the mass prayer for the Revival of the Church in SA and Africa. Various prophecies are made of a Revival of the Church in Africa, starting in Cape Town, South Africa.

I receive another prophecy God’s Army of horses and Riders. Michelle King sends a voice message on WhatsApp.

“I drive to Middelburg this morning (27 March 2017) and I hear a roaring sound, looking through the windscreen I see thousands of horses, various colours, white, black and brown with riders. I ask the Lord “what is it that I see?” The Lord answers that this is His Army of Angels ready to fight for South Africa….. I ask the Lord “why our land?” and “why not another country?” I know we are in trouble, but why help South Africa? The answer is awesome! God said that He wants to make an example of SA, every nationality and language together will live in and observe this miracle…SA has suffered long enough…”Father that’s good, but again, why SA?” The Lord said look at a world map, Africa is in the form of a horse! The Bible refers to countless horses. It is awesome to look at the Africa map, and situated at the mouth of the horse is the Cape of Good Hope! SA will be God’s mouthpiece/trumpet/shofar horn (horn of Africa) for the world.  I want to encourage everyone South Africa is on the brink of receiving a great miracle. Zechariah 3:2 speaks of the burning coal that will be plucked out of the fire. God is telling us that He will pluck SA out of the fire! Today! Choose to be in God’s Army and seriously pray for SA. All honour and Glory to our heavenly Father!”

Praise the Lord! The “Reach Out Africa Mission” started in Cape Town in 2010 in memory of Adrian, our David Warrior and my testimony the book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone” is all about our visions and dreams of horses and chariots and the Lords Army. I praise and thank the Lord for revealing His plans of the Revival of His Church in Africa. South Africa get ready “It is Time” have now started working on sketches and paintings for my testimony/book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone” and “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” – Revelations 19:11

22 April 2017 – “It’s Time”, Bloemfontein.

In the midst of a political environment of corruption, absence of leadership and a country afflicted by violence, crime and racial hatred, sounds the urgent call to the nation to unite in prayer. Seven weeks later, under the leadership of Evangelist Angus Buchan South Africa makes history when more than a million South Africans across physical, racial-, social and church borders gather outside Bloemfontein for an event of which the impact will echo into eternity, It’s Time.

I am blessed in receiving a return bus ticket Amanzimtoti (Kwa Zulu Natal) to Bloemfontein for the” It’s Time” mass prayer in Bloemfontein. We travel through the night and arrive in Bloemfontein early on a cold misty morning. Many busses, cars and people have already arrived. We find a spot close to the stage. It is quite cold and I look for signs of clouds, rain or wind. A week before I watched a video of Uncle Angus leading a prayer meeting in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles, when the Holy Spirit in the form of a mighty wind ripped the stage apart and people were worshipping, crying and shouting to the Lord in wonder. We climb to the top of a hill close by and then realise the magnitude of this event - “seeing is believing” People are praying all over and the presence of the Lord is already present. The sun soon burns the misty haze away and it is now very hot. Closer to Uncle Angus’s time we feel a cool breeze, our Father is sending us some relief from the hot sun. I continue to look for clouds, tell-tail signs of a storm, a mighty wind. The sky is blue. They announce an hour’s delay to allow people who are still arriving to take their places.

The praise and worship team on stage play “I’m no longer a child to fear, I am a child of God” and Uncle Angus emotionally sings with us pointing to the masses “Bless the Lord O my soul… 10 000 reasons for my heart to sing” Uncle Angus tells us that this is not a sermon or a Church service but a prayer meeting, he will teach us to earnestly pray as one Nation. We pray for healing…AMEN! AMEN! Amen! Amen!!! When one million people shout AMEN!!! It takes 4 seconds delay before we here the last AMEN echo over the land! We pray for SA…AMEN!!! Pray for forgiveness AMEN!!! Pray for healing AMEN! AMEN! Amen! Amen!!!!

I am looking to the sky, for the wind, at times the comforting cool breeze is quite strong, but no storm in sight. One million plus people kneel and collectively repent and ask for forgiveness. I am so humbled I cannot pray, I can only weep. Suddenly the breeze on stage gets stronger. Uncle Angus tells us about the Holy Spirit wind at the Feast of Tabernacles. “Come Holy Spirit we are here.” We hear people at the back shouting, Angus is pointing “Come Lord Jesus” all are standing looking towards the shouting. We see balloons high up in the air. A misty cloudy wind sweeps over the crowd on a pathway to the stage, ripping umbrellas out of people’s hands up into the sky, hats fly into the air. People are worshipping, shouting, crying… the wind shakes the stage… Uncle Angus is crying as we watch the balloons disappear high in the sky. Angus does not want to go home. Eventually more than a million spirit-filled and tired disciples reluctantly return home.

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she gave birth to her children. Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb? Says your God. Rejoice with Jerusalem…..” - Isaiah 66:8-10

I start making canvas scrolls with Bible verses that relate to each “Living Word Art” painting. At the Retirement Centres annual Fete I have a “Roam Africa” “Bible Revival” stall with my “Living Word Art” paintings, ‘HeART Scrolls’ and bookmarks. It is such a blessing to have families visit the stand, buy bookmarks and excitedly want to know the meaning of each painting. Thank You Lord, for the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel using my “Living Word Art” 

November 2017 – A Mothers Testimony – Adrian leaves a message in his Mom’s Bible.

Read the testimony of David Warrior Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2) (13/02/2008 – 18/07/2010)  Adrian choked on an apple and lay in ICU for 14 days on live support systems before he sadly passed away on 18 July 2010. and

It is very difficult losing a loved one, especially a child, the pain never leaves you. Through this loss and pain we have to continue to be a witness through faith, a witness that we are only visitors on earth, awaiting the glorious moment to return to our eternal home and our loved ones. Mom Yolande shares this message from “David Warrior” Adrian with us. Most times Adrian was with Mom Yolande when she spent time with the Lord in prayer or reading her Bible. In November 2017 Yolande shared Adrian’s scribbles in her Bible. With a pencil he clearly marked two specific passages in Yolande’s Bible. These passages helps with the pain, gives us peace and some clarity of the bigger picture. Adrian’s purpose, his premature passing becomes clearer and understandable, he is a “David Warrior”, fighting a spiritual warfare and his passing is a witness to all that life does not end in physical death; it is only but the beginning of an exciting glorious eternal life.

Adrian’s scribble message one;

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the ‘worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:1-3

Adrian’s scribble message two;

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”  Revelations 22:12-13

2018/5778 – The year of the Doorway of light from heaven and year of new beginnings.

South African politics continues to be in turmoil with the state capture, people are in panic mode. Calls for prayers are raised from Pastors and Churches.

The ‘ROAM AFRICA” mission is keeping me busy and I am attempting to complete writing my book/testimony “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David Stone” busy with painting many saints on horses in the clouds in the painting “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” Revelations 19:14 “And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.”.

Adrian’s clouds of witnesses – Hebrews 12:1

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:1-2

The 13th February 2018 is Adrian’s 10th birthday. I receive a WhatsApp with 7 photos of amazing and extra ordinary cloud formations over the sea in Grotto Bay Private Residential Estate on the Cape West Coast. Adrian’s ashes/remains were buried at the family holiday home in Grotto Bay. I lived and worked in my Art studio at Grotto Bay for 10 years. Since starting the “Reach Out Africa Mission” and as a result of me receiving messages and visions through nature/clouds/rainbows/art I examine all the photos of the clouds. In the first picture I observe a dark spot and when enlarging it I see a figure with a slingshot – similar to the figure I have painted in “Facing Giants with David’s Stone”. Amazed I examine the other photos, finding an Angel, a person blowing a trumpet/shofar, a baby wrapped in a blanket and a pair of hands. These amazing cloud formations are another clear and direct message and witness from Adrian. God is using Adrian, warning us, giving us opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to testify and witness. I start with sketches of the clouds to later compose some paintings.

On 24 March 2018 Evangelist Angus Buchan has had another mass “It’s Time” prayer gathering in Mitchels Plain. Broadcast on TV, we witness more miracles as they pray for a drought stricken Cape, and it starts raining. Monday morning I am prompted to read revelations and connect it with the “It’s time” prayer gatherings. I read Revelations 10 and again I examine Adrian’s Clouds of Witness over Grotto Bay.

Then I see the Angel with the scroll standing over Africa with one foot in the sea and the other foot on Cape Point and I remember all the prophecies of horses, the revival of the Church of Jesus Christ in Africa, in the horse’s mouth, the shape of Africa is a horse’s head, with the mouth situated in the Cape of Good Hope. The Angel is standing with one foot on Africa, Cape of Good Hope, is the mouth of the Horse. I start making the first drawings and sketches of Africa and the Angel and the scroll, David and the slingshot and the trumpet and shofar.

“And I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was over his head, his face was like the sun and his feet like pillars of fire, and he had a little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land…..” Revelations 10

The Lord has impressed upon me, as a matter of urgency and with the coming SA election, I have to share “David Warrior” Adrian and ME HeART testimony” Revival Africa” – “Revelations 10” with all.

In April 2018 I excitedly leave SA for 4 months to visit with family in Ireland. This is my second visit to Ireland and I contact various Churches to share my testimony. I am invited by Reverend Clodagh Yambasu of the Methodist Circuit to give my testimony at various Methodist Congregations. On Sunday 29 July I have the privilege to give my testimony at the morning service at Athlone Methodist Church and later at the Irish village of Tullamore Methodist Church. Part of my testimony falls in with Rev. Yambasu’s sermon on the decision of the Irish Methodist Synod to focus on a Mission of Intentional Discipleship – Follow Jesus and Make Disciples. The message is to step out into communities with renewed faith and discipleship; to obey God’s call to get to know and love the people in all communities; be faith communities of learning, teaching, training and sharing testimonies of the Revival of the Church around the world. I hand the Reverend the Jesus Film, Magdalena Released from Shame and Walking with Jesus (Jesus Film Project -

Before I left for Ireland I did some research on the existing Churches in Ireland, predominantly Catholic, I was surprised to discover various other denominations and that there were 200 plus Methodist Churches in Ireland. It was a humbling privilege to give my testimony in one of the first Methodist Churches, Athlone Methodist Church. Build in 1865 this superb Church was one of the many Churches started by Missionary founder of the Methodist Church John Wesley. As a five year old John nearly lost his life in a fire of the family home, and already then he realised he was destined for something special. The first Church services in Athlone were under a tree, and on various visits to the town in the mid eighteenth century, John Wesley was so popular that people rode out to greet him as he approached Athlone.

I had a wonderfull visit in Ireland, doing some paintings of the Irish landscapes. Planned in me visit was to climb to the Cross on top of Ireland’s tallest mountain Caruaontoo Hill, in memory of departed family members. Because of asthma/CPOPD/Latent-TB flair-ups, unfortunately this climb had to be cancelled, as well as my testimony in various scheduled Churches were cancelled. The devil attacks on my health continued and I returned to SA ill.

 2019/5779 – The year of the Fruit of the Spirit, Fruitfulness (womb/birth)

It is election year in SA and we receive many prophecies regarding a Revival in Africa, the elections and prayers have started. From many meetings with political leaders and Church leaders it is evident that SA is ready for change. Listening to all the prophecies and calls for prayer and while struggling with my health I continue with my testimony, attempting to finish it just before the SA elections. It is the birth of a new nation in Christ. The relevance is so evident regarding all the prophecies, the Jewish description and meaning of the decade 2010/5770 to 2019/5779 as the “All seeing Eye of God” - “Seeing is believing”.

I have started more sketches and drawings of Adrian’s clouds over Grotto Bay and will then compose a series of paintings, where after the intension is to complete our testimony, the book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone”.

 In the midst of the aftermath of the elections and continued political leadership of corruption, a country of violence, crime and racial hatred, South Africa and the rest of the world is in a dark place. Despite the evil surrounding us, the Lord is at work while prophecies and testimonies continue to be preached. The signs of the Revival of the true Church of Christ is evident.

At the end of 2019 the unexpected and magnificent victory of the Japan Rugby World Cup had all in SA forget the political turmoil. With many Christians in the Springbok World Cup winning team, led by the first black Captain Siya Kolisi, with armbands with Jesus and a cross clearly visible for the world to see, the team gave thanks and glory for the victory to our King of King’s and Lord of Lord’s. For a few weeks after the Springboks won the RWC all the signs of how a nation rejoiced and can stand together in harmony and peace were evident. However, the nation soon forgot the victory and the news media ignored the open devotion of faith shown by the SA rugby team.  

New Decade 2020/5780 to 2029/5789 – The decade of the ‘Mouth or Declaration’.

2020/5770 – Year of the Word, speaking, saying, proclamation.

In South Africa with the signs of peace and living in harmony seen for a few weeks after winning the RWC and the exposure of corruption now evident for all to see, the devil is not happy; he launches a vicious attack not only on South Africa, but all of humanity. At the beginning of the new decade, the decade of the ‘Mouth or Declaration’ the devil unleashes the Corona virus on the world, he tries to block the Word of God, with masks, isolation, closing of business and Churches, sport events, travelling, the world is in turmoil, many people sadly loose there life to this deadly virus. Despite the relentless attacks on humanity Christians rise up to the challenge and the Revival of the Church of Christ continues while the Living Word and the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached more intensely all over the world. The evil and the sin of humanity all over the world is now exposed, and the signs of the prophesied end times are clearly evident.

Personally the devil continues to attack my health further as I begin intense 9 month TB and COPD treatment; Drs warn that I am extremely high risk of not surviving if I should get the Corona virus. For months I am under strict lockdown rules and very thankful for friends and mission partners who assist to do monthly chores, purchase groceries and medication. I have tremendous challenges with breathing of which is worsened when wearing a face mask. I struggle to sing praise and worship but despite these challenges I will persevere – No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper…I understand that in these end times the Spiritual Warfare will intensify and that only through prayer and unwavering faith I have already overcome the evil forces “God’s grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. As Paul preached in Philippians 4:11-13 “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content; I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

When we are vulnerable our enemy will always find a way to attack, many times in the most unimaginable ways. Just before the SA lockdown in March, I have just started with 6 months TB treatment and I am already isolated in my apartment for the first 6 weeks while on TB treatment, drugged and weak I feel very sorry for myself. Someone at my door calls and informs me my car has been in an accident and I urgently need to go to the carport where my car is parked. Thinking that this is a sick joke and not really up to it, lightheaded and in a daze, I walk to my car. I am trying to think how can this be possible, how can a stationary car be in an accident? Maybe someone drove into it? Arriving at the carport I find an unbelievable site. My car is severely damaged; a lady driving on the main road outside of our residential complex lost control of her car and at high speed drove over the pavement, smashed through the fibre Crete wall and slammed into the front of my car parked under the carport. To make a long story short, R25 000 damage was caused to my car, I did not have insurance and the owner of the other car is now nowhere to be found. The SA Police Services and Legal Wise are handling the matter and a year later my car is still not repaired. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper.

It has been a very difficult year for many and all have adjusted with new ways to do ministry. With the “Bible Revival” campaign through internet and WhatsApp groups we continue with daily devotionals. Mission partners receive donations of Bibles and we have the opportunity to bless the Caregivers, kitchen staff, cleaners and gardeners at a Retirement Centre with a gift of a Bible to each one.

Cloud of Witnesses - “With Wings like Eagles.”

During my isolation and TB treatment I have many dreams, visions and nightmares. I dream quite a lot about my departed ex-wife Jenny who passed away in 2015. In August 2020 just after my 6 month TB treatment ends I receive a photo from my daughter Yolande in New Zealand, of a cloud shaped like an eagle. As always I inspect the eagle cloud and on one of the eagle’s wings I discover a horseman and rider and two faces. The horseman to me is Adrian our David Warrior who continues the battle in the Spiritual Warfare in the heavenly places. On close inspection the one face is a very close resemblance of ex-wife Jenny with a hat on, on our wedding day, next to Jenny is the face of a baby wrapped in a blanket.

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

 Isaiah 40:31 

“Revival Train”

On 18 October 2020 in the midst of the evil Corona virus pandemic, Evangelist Angus Buchan announces that it is time to take our inheritance and possess our land. The Lord placed it on his heart to get a physical steam train a “Revival Train” to travel from Cape Town throughout South Africa stopping in towns and villages along the way preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. It is time for the Revival of the Church in Africa.

“Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying “pass through the camp and command the people, saying, prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in, to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess.” 

Joshua 1:10-11

Cloud of Witnesses - “You prepare a Table before me”

On the 14 November 2020 I receive another Cloud of Witnesses photo of Table Mountain, Cape Town (“Revival Africa” painting, the horse’s mouth and start of the “Revival Train”) with an Angel cloud over the mountain. I am prompted to think of Psalm 23.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Corona virus)…You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies:” Psalm 23

All the visions, dreams, prophecies and clouds of witnesses indicate that the Revival of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is underway, starting in Africa, Cape Town, the horse’s mouth. Seeing is believing! The relevance is so evident regarding all the prophecies, the Jewish description and meaning of the decade 2010/5770 to 2019/5779 as the “All seeing Eye of God” - “Seeing is believing”. It is the first year of the beginning of the new decade, 2020/5780 to 2029/5789 – The decade of the ‘Mouth or Declaration’ - the Word, speaking, saying, proclamation – REVIVAL!!

2021/5781 – Described in the Jewish calendar as the year of the Sword, warfare, expectancy of the Kingdom.

Humanity is still in battle with the second and third wave of the Corona virus which has now caused much sorrow and distress and many unexpected deaths. The spiritual warfare is now very intense. On the 28 January I receive Angus Buchan’s daily thought for the day with the message, it’s time to open your eyes, to see with eyes of faith, to see with eyes of God. The message from 2 Kings 6:16-17 is that faith is to see what no one else sees.

“So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Friday evening the 29 January I dream of steam trains. As a young man my very first occupation was with the South African Railways and Harbours as a Clerk in the personnel department. At some stage I worked overtime over weekends as conductor at Braamfontein locomotive sheds and shunting yards. Many a time we would walk to find the next scheduled train to work on and catch a ride on a passing steam locomotive. The shunting yard was a hive of activity, with signal men riding on the locomotives to the next manual rail switch to redirect the locomotives. It was nice and cosy riding up front in the steam locomotive in the winter, the summer in front of a very hot firebox painted a different picture.

Saturday morning during my daily prayer and Bible study I read 2 Kings 6:16-17 again. Through the Holy Spirit I visualise the “Revival Steam Train” under Table Mountain with the Angel cloud of witness over the mountain. “FIRE” is the main component of the coal-burning locomotive; without “FIRE” the locomotive will stay stationary it needs to be fired-up to be able to move. Many a time coal-burning locomotives will cause fire along the tracks and or to farm land crops as they sometimes backfire and/or blow black clouds of ash and red hot embers from the engine chimney (smoke stack) or when the firebox grates are shaken to clean dead ash from the firebox. I visualise the “Revival Steam Train” as a “Chariot of Fire” with the clouds around Table Mountain filled with horses and chariots of fire. A Fired-up Angus Buchan is leading  the Revival Cavalry charge to possess the land (New Heaven and New Earth) on the Revival Train/Chariot of Fire and in the spirit  on a white spiritual horse (Snowy)  with the double edged sword/the Word of God in hand (2021 is the year of the Sword). “Seeing is believing” - I start sketching chariots, trains and horses and start planning to compose a “Revival Train/Chariot of Fire” painting. All glory be to God!

Angus and the Shalom team have been very busy on the implementation, planning and logistics of the “Revival Train” and on the 19 February I receive the good news video message, The “Revival Train” will leave the station on Friday the 2nd of April, Day of the crucifixion. Angus explains that because steam trains/locomotives, being out of service for many years, that it will be difficult and near impossible to have a physical Steam Train travel from Cape Town throughout SA. The current rail system and stations are no longer geared up to receive Steam locomotives – coal and water is needed along the way. The Lords plan is always much bigger than what we can imagine, The “Revival Train” will now be a virtual train leaving SA on the 2nd of April on a Worldwide trip. This “Revival Train” is going to Heaven, it is homeward bound.

Chariots of Fire.

I have finished composing the final sketches and started the layout of the “Revival Train” oil painting. I send a copy of the sketch and my testimony about the “Revival Train/Chariot of Fire” to Uncle Angus and the Shalom team. On the 24 February I receive another daily message from Angus Buchan and the Shalom team on Mathew 6:33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”. The message is about one of Angus Buchan’s favourite movies “Chariots of Fire”, the Scottish sprinter Eric Liddell who was made famous by the Oscar winning movie “Chariots of Fire” (1981), a historical drama film based on the true story of Scottish athlete Eric Liddell in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Born in China from Scottish missionary parents, Liddle was a devout Christian who excelled in athletics and also played Rugby Union. Liddell refused to run his preferred 100m race in the Paris Olympics because one of the qualifying rounds fell on the Sabbath. Instead he competed in the 200m and won a bronze medal and later went on to secure gold in the 400m at the Paris Games, setting a new world record. One year later Liddell returned to the country of his birth, China, to continue his work as a missionary. He died of a brain tumour in a Japanese internment camp during the final year of the Second World War

In December 2020 I had another stint in hospital, after a window of opportunity with no Corona virus cases present in the hospital; they could now treat other patients. Extended tests were done and at that stage I was still under TB treatment, a cyst was found on the thyroid and it showed that I also had bad gallstones, it was planned to have the gallbladder removed. Again under medication and at my weakest the devil attacked with accusing voices and dreams of the past, the Dr gave me some tranquilisers. At that stage the second wave of Corona virus was hitting the country and it was so bad that hospitals were filling up rapidly, a shortage of hospital beds forced Dr’s to discharge patients and cancel operations. Once again because of my high risk re the Corona virus I was discharged immediately, with the gallbladder intact. I had to see the Dr again after the Corona virus gives us a window so that the gallbladder operation can be done. At home sadly the disturbing voices and accusations continue and stressed out I accuse innocent people of bothering me. Through continues prayers repentance the voices continue and the stress gets so bad I decide to find help from a psychiatrist. Eventually I have an appointment with a pastoral councillor and with a lot of continues prayer and standing in faith the voices quite down.       

After another 3 months of prayer for complete healing and waiting, the hospital is once again made Green (safe from Corona virus) and I can return to hospital for the scheduled gallbladder operation. On the 24 February I send a WhatsApp message to Angus and the Shalom team; I ask for prayers. “Thank you for the thought for the day about the testimony and movie “Chariots of Fire” and thank you for your continued belief and hard work towards the Kingdom of God. I need prayers - tomorrow 25 February I am going in for a gallbladder removal operation and ongoing tests on latent-TB/COPD lung problems. The TB was contracted while doing mission work among the Kalahari San. For some years now the devil continues to try to de-rail my mission calling. As you know I use my God given talent of art to proclaim the Gospel. As a result of the TB/COPD Dr’s have advised that I stop oil painting, the isocyanate fumes/turpentine triggers asthma/COPD flair ups, and I am also very high risk to the Corona Virus. Through continued faith, prayer and believing for complete healing and despite Dr’s/Family pressure not to paint with oil my favourite medium, I continue to be led to paint with Artists Oil paints. Today’s message confirmed that I must not be swayed from my mission calling. When I return from hospital I will finish the Oil Painting “Revival Train/Chariot of Fire” - By His stripes I am healed, all glory be to God!

Going to hospital in its self is quite stressful but for me I have the added concern that the accusing voices and horrible dreams will return, I feel the stress build up and pray in advance for the Lords protection and healing. The next day I arrived at the hospital with my overnight bag and 50 Bibles I promised to hand out to staff. I will be in hospital for a few days after the operation and will then have time to hand out the Bibles. When I walk into the Dr’s room I can see he has a smile under his mask. The Dr shows me the final test results taken in December 2020 when I was hastily sent home because of the second wave of Corona Virus. The tests show that the latent-TB has cleared completely and now I can stop with TB treatment immediately, the Hindi Dr said “Pray thanks to Jesus”. He was so pleased he recommended that we do not touch the gallbladder at this stage, gave me medication and scheduled me to see him in 3 months’ time. I was utterly overjoyed, Praise be to our Lord! Before rushing home to tell all the good news I handed 50 Bibles (“Bible Revival”) to a very grateful Matron to be handed to the nursing, kitchen staff and cleaners, who all have gone through a very difficult year. At home I praise and thank the Lord and thank all for their prayers and the amazing healing power of our Lord.

“And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever, Amen!” 2 Timothy 4:18

All family, friends and prayer partners are rejoicing with me for the healing. I am now supercharged to finish the “Revival” – ‘Seeing is Believing’ testimony. While painting the “Revival Train/Chariot of Fire” the Lord continues to guide me through visions, dreams and messages prompted by the Holy Spirit. Painting is hard work, messy, a lot of concentration, composing, adjusting, repainting, changing colours, shades, focus, prayer….Take my hand precious Lord lead me on… I do not have a studio and had to adjust to my circumstances; living in a bachelor flat on the first floor in a Retirement Village for the elderly has quite a few challenges. The lockdown has put even more pressure on many of the ailing elderly residents. I work on my small balcony with a table and easel, store oil paints and thinners in an air tight container and store the wet painting in my car. With my sensitive bagpipes (lungs) many things can cause an asthma attack or COPD flair-up. When painting I try not to work for longer than 2 hours at a time and then take a break, the old creaky limbs can also only take so much and the mind-set can change very quickly. When the focus and concentration is lost I can see the effect in my work. With the balcony studio on the public walkway of the apartment, people walk by chat and comment, or they want to visit. It is very difficult to stay focused when someone wants to chat. I have accepted and made peace with this and I am learning to adjust, knowing the purpose and meaning behind the painting – it is my testimony and mission calling “Living Word Art”.

While painting the amazing blessing is that when people walk by and comment ‘It is a lovely train and cowboys on horses” or ‘look the ghost riders in the sky’. This is my opening to share the Gospel with the “Living Word Art”. I explain the Bible based painting, each painted object or figure supports a Bible verse. It is Evangelist Angus Buchan leading the worldwide Revival Crusade with a virtual steam train and heavenly Chariots of Fire, a Salvation Cavalry. It is not Billy the Kid and the great train robbery; the completed painting will portray the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The Revival Train/Chariot of Fire and saints on horses in the clouds – 2 Kings 6:17, Table Mountain and Angel cloud – Psalm 23, Eagle cloud – Isaiah 40:31, Hands holding earth, a New Heaven and Earth – Joshua 1:11.

When chatting about the “Revival Train” painting I discover that one of the residents is a big Locomotive enthusiast and he brings me two books on the history of Steam Locomotives in South Africa. From the book Steam in the Veld – A..E. Durrant, A.A. Jorgensen, C.P. Lewis (1972) I learn that the Locomotive I am painting is a Class 19 SAR Locomotive. All were in service in March 1971 – Builder; Krupp, Date: 1952-3. The majority of steam locomotives were retired from regular service by the 1980’s, although several continue to run on tourist and heritage lines.

A friend and mission partner surprises me when he gives me a Pin Badge of the “Flying Scotsman Express Train”, another remarkable reference to Uncle Angus the Scotsman and the “Revival Train”. The Pin Badge is of the green Steam Locomotive LNER A1 Class, 4472 – entered service 24 Feb 1924. The Flying Scotsman is an express passenger train service that has operated between Edinburgh and London, the capitals of Scotland and England, via the East Coast line. The service began in 1862; the name was officially adopted in 1924 and the Flying Scotsman continues to run daily operated by London North Eastern Railway, albeit with new modern and fast Electric trains.          

Thank You Lord for the opportunity to share my testimony and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom, using my talents.

Walk through the Fire!

 The intense spiritual warfare continues when trivial daily things explode into a major battle. In the apartment complex where I live the elderly residents are allowed to smoke in their own apartment and balcony and open fire barbecue areas (braai areas) are placed around the complex not to infringe on the privacy or cause a smoke health risk to the elderly and ill. By arrangement monthly block braais are arranged and all are invited, using portable open fire barbecues or gas barbecues/braais in the enclosed garden area. I live on the first floor and residents below me started to have evening gatherings in the garden below with sundowners and a few were also smoking.

With almost a year of lockdown people were desperate for some company and some form of normality. It did not bother me at all and when the happy laughter grew a bit louder as the evening progressed I would close my door and put the music or TV louder. I was also invited but I politely declined. The visiting group started to get bigger and then they invited more people to a barbecue, informing me of the time so that I could close my doors and windows for the smoke. I was fine with this until the barbeque and visiting became longer, louder and the numbers were growing steadily. The cigarette smoke and the barbecue smoke triggered chest flair-ups and various other asthmatic residents complained. After various meetings with management the open fire barbeque and smoking in gardens were placed on hold in our block until such time that a consensus can be reached between various groups for and against, many are left angry and hurt. Then I get rumours that the oil paint, turpentine fumes bother some people, that I am not ill if I can paint with turpentine etc. Frantically I scurry around to find suitable space to paint. The lockdown has changed everything and there are too many restricted and no-go areas. Relentless and vicious spiritial attacks continue within a vulnerable community. No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that arises against us in judgement we condemn. This is our heritage as servants of the Lord and our righteousness is from You, O Lord of Hosts.   

With various factions now present in our complex it has made our collective home not a pleasant place to live in. The tension and stress has caused more challenges to my health and the accusing voices threaten to return. With an amazing group of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ we continue to support and encourage each other through daily devotionals and prayer. The Revival Train /Chariot of Fire painting is nearly finished and I have decided to paint under my carport, far away from causing a nuisance.   

After many months of planning, prayers and hard work by the Shalom Team on the 2nd April, day of the crucifixion, Holy Friday, the virtual “Revival Train” leaves the South African virtual railway station on its Homeward bound, world “Revival trip” with new episodes of the progress and Revival testimonies that will be posted on Evangelist Angus Buchan’s Apps, websites, internet platforms and on TV. Jesus is alive! On the 4th of April, resurrection day, I receive the greatest birthday gift and confirmation to continue with my testimony “Facing Giants with David’s Stone” and “Living Word Art” ministry. Angus Buchan posts an amazing message that the ‘Revival Train’ is running full steam ahead throughout the world. Revival messages are coming on board from many Revival Train platforms – SA, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, Canada, USA, God TV is translating Revival Train testimonies in Hindi throughout India – Jesus is Alive! Jesus is coming soon! The “Seeing is Believing “testimony is enfolding at a rapid pace. Rise up Christian Warriors, possess your land! Joshua 1:10-11. Revival Train episodes, messages and testimonies are now broadcast every Friday at 7am (SA time) on You tube, Facebook, IGTV and all Angus Buchan’s platforms and websites. Weekly broadcasts are repeated every Saturday on Faith TV at noon. All Glory be to God!

REVIVAL FIRE! “Seeing is Believing”

“Do not be afraid; only believe (in Me and My power).” Mark 5:36

“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”                 Exodus 14:13-14

As time passes the fires I have to walk through are stoked with more and more coal, and this makes it very intense and very hot. Most of the time I feel so alone, forsaken, asking why me? Pleading that this fire be extinguished, forgetting that we are in a constant Spiritual Warfare, the forces of darkness are fighting to win your soul. Our Heavenly Father warned us about the not so easy life and many troubles/fires. He will not remove the challenges or put out the flames, we have to go through it all, and remember that He is with you every step of the way. In the middle of a scorching fire it is very difficult to hold your peace and trust in the Lord. My natural instinct is to fight - every time I try to fight the battles or the flames in panic, anger or fear, in my own power, the enemy takes over and the intense battle begins, leaving me utterly spent and running, desperately running back to my Heavenly Father, my faith, calling and purpose.

My health is not improving and the accusing voices and horrible dreams have now appeared again and I seek psychological counselling and treatment. Through daily devotionals I learn and realise that with all the outside influences, health issues, stress and sin surrounding me, my work (Living Word Art and Testimony) has become the focus, instead of God being the primary and dominant focus, consequently I am now spent, burnt-out and crushed. It feels like there is no freedom, no delight in life; nerves, mind and heart are so crushingly burdened that God’s blessing cannot find peace and rest. I need to take a sabbatical, stand in faith and then my only responsibility will be to keep living in constant touch with God. God has purposed me for this ministry, He engineers everything; wherever He puts us, our one great aim is to pour out a whole-hearted devotion to Him in our particular ministry or work. “Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might” Ecclesiastes 9:10  

Our faith is Satan’s prime target and in the span of just a few short hours, the devil can bring circumstances into your life that severely tests your faith and love for Jesus. I must have my daily early morning time with the Lord; His Word every day strengthens my faith. I received one inspiring daily message on the power of our faith. Did you know God has a special language? It’s the only one He speaks and responds to. It’s called the language of faith! He created the heavens and the earth out of nothing by speaking them into being using this creative faith language – His living Word. When we are bombarded with challenges and negativity on a daily basis through media outlets, or people around us, it’s easy to change our language to sound just like the worlds.

If we don’t pay attention, we start to think just like what we are hearing, and doubt, panic, and fear begin to undermine every sentence and thought. In my case accusing voices pester me and triggers panic, fear and questions my faith. That’s why Paul, in Romans 12:2, insists we continuously renew our minds to think like God, so our words sound like, God speaks – the language of faith! The creative living word of God! This means deliberately filling our thoughts with God’s word every day. When we meditate on what the Word of God says, we begin to believe it with our hearts and our words become filled with the creative language of faith. Those faith filled words have God’s creative power all over them! They are able to change whatever you are facing to come into line with what God has promised in His word. Remember, God’s words of faith created the universe from nothing. Train yourself to speak His language, and even the impossible will become your reality. In my testimony I can only praise the Lord for His creative faith language, by using God’s living word in ministry, creating art from His word. The finished’ living word art’ painting truly is “Seeing is believing”.  

“So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”                                                       2 Kings 6:16-17

Did you know that no matter what you are facing in this life, as a child of God, there are more with you than could ever be against you! Don’t fall into the trap of focusing so much on the impossibilities and hardships around you, that you miss seeing the mercy and blessing of God right in front of you, to help you overcome anything.

It may be easy to feel completely surrounded and overwhelmed by trouble, but God has promised to rescue you from it all (Psalm 34:19). What’s more, He has all of heaven backing you! The Bible tells us in the book of Romans 8:31 that if God be for us, who could ever, be against us? It takes faith to receive this truth because our victory is seen in the spirit before it is manifest in our natural.

Just like the Prophet Elisha in 2 Kings, we need to realise our reality begins in the Spirit and we grab a hold of it through eyes of faith, not natural sight. This is what enables us to walk in the boldness and confidence we need to overcome. Remember, your troubles don’t have the power to defeat you – they are outnumbered by the resources and hosts of heaven that are called to fight for you – behold all the horses and chariots of fire all around you!  Rise up Christian warriors possess your land!

Homeward Bound!

 Salvation Prayer – Boarding Pass for the Revival Train / Chariot of Fire,

As we get closer towards the prophesied end times, now more than ever, we need to make sure that we will not miss the homeward bound “Revival Train” It is time to heed the call “All Aboard!” The Revival Train is on its final trip, homeward bound. Revival passengers are on the way to possess there land, there inheritance, the New Heaven and the New Earth! Now is the time to get your free boarding pass. Your ticket is a Salvation Prayer to secure your place to your final destination, a glorious eternal life. Now is the time to renew your faith and give your life to your Creator Father God. If you pray this Salvation Prayer and it expresses the desire of your heart then Christ will come into your life as He promised:

“Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive you as my saviour and Lord. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me the gift of an eternal life. Take control of my life and teach me to be the kind of person you want me to be. Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!”

Welcome aboard the “Revival Train/Chariot of Fire” as we rise up to possess our land. Arm yourself for battle with the full Armour of God - Ephesians 6:10-18. Focus on your new life in Christ our Lord with daily prayer, repentance and reading and studying your Bible. Share your testimony and the “Revival Train/Chariot of Fire” with many in this fallen world, lost souls who desperately need the Good news of the Revival of the Church, the New Heaven and the New Earth and the gift of an eternal life. Remember Jesus loves you!

The end is not near – the end is HERE!

As I finish this testimony I receive many more signs and prophecies on the urgency that only our faith can save us, Jesus is coming soon. The warnings can be found in Luke 21.

“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven…And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars…Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads redemption is near.” 

It is a matter of great urgency, a matter of life or death, to be ready for the glorious and imminent appearing of our “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”.  

“The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;” Ephesians 6:17

The year 2021/5781 is described in the Jewish calendar as the year of the Sword, warfare, expectancy of the Kingdom. The battle lines have been drawn, take up your sword, the Word of God, possess your land and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all Nations.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Amen and Amen!

Martin Erasmus.

Please feel free to contact me on or mobile +27 79 605 1049 for printed copies of any of my “Living Word Art” paintings and “Bible Revival” canvas scrolls.                                                                                                


Extracts from the not yet published book “Painting Angels and Facing Giants with David’s Stone” Copyright ã 2011 by Martin Phillip Erasmus. All rights reserved. Copyright ã All Art and photographs taken and published by Martin Erasmus. ose

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